
Q&A With Oz

Who would Oz have dinner with? Maltese born, Australian raised. Living in Malta since 1992, many of us go to know David ‘Ozi’ Borg whilst listening him co-host the radio show ‘Oz and Jay’.

David is not just about radio-hosting though. Recruitment has been part of his life for nearly 20 years now. In this Q&A (link in bio), he tells omgfoodmalta about his new venture, why he started his online blog (which we suggest you have a look at), his love of food and of course, his love of Liverpool Football Club!

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Geez. What is to tell. 46 years old. Maltese born, Australian raised. Been back in Malta since 1992. Family man with an awesome wife and two wonderful children. Career wise, it’s always been split between the media and recruitment. I consider myself to be pretty good at both. In general, while sarcastic and disillusioned with many things, I consider myself one of the good guys who is always there to help others.
You have been a radio presenter with Jay for many years. What advice would you give to anyone wanting to present with Jay?
Jay has always been pleasure to work with. Anyone lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with him should watch and learn. He is a fantastic broadcaster.
You have now moved on and become co-founder and COO at BigWig Headhunters. Tell us a bit about it.
Well, as stated above, recruitment has been in my life for nearly 20 years now. I started working with a friend of mines company early 2000’s and we have been together ever since. It is a great business to be in and while challenging there is great satisfaction in helping people to find there career path or take them to the next step. At the same time there is great satisfaction working with wonderful companies and helping them grow with the quality staff we provide. BigWig is relatively new to the market but we are loving our impact so far and look forward to a really bright future.
P.s. We have a second recruitment brand we are launching soon.. watch this space… https://bigwig.mt
Mental health is a big issue and you speak a lot about it in ozuncut.com. Can you tell us why you started the blog?
The blog itself was started not to cover mental health in truth, it was started just for me to be able to write about topics that interested me, giving my own spin on several subjects. After a while it became obvious that it would be a great platform for me to “come out” and reveal my mental health struggles to the world. In truth I always wanted to help others and I though in my position I could do so. Judging by the feedback as well I think it has helped. Mental Health disease is so lonely and confusing. In many ways its difficult to understand what is happening to you. It took me years to figure it out. At the same time there is still this TABOO regarding mental health in the general population. Which is ridiculous. The more we talk about it, the more people read about it the less taboo it will come, in time.
We must tell us about your love for Liverpool FC. You have Steven Gerrard tattooed on your arm after all!
I have been in love with Liverpool Football Club since 1987. I started supporting them because I was a huge fan of John Barnes. It is one of the most important things in my life. Some people might not understand it, but it’s true. I LOVE LFC. I think the resonates most with me is what the club stands for. It is a club for the people. Being a Liverpool fan is like being in a family of millions, it is a special feeling. And after many years of uncertainty under the current ownership it finally seems that both our values and identity as a football club are back. I will support them wholeheartedly until the day I die.
Would you describe yourself as a foodie?
Absolutely. Well at least I was until last year. I am on a pretty strict diet these days to try and hit my weight loss goals. But, love food. Love experimenting with food, love eating food, love trying new recipes. Etc. Foodie indeed I am. Even now on the diet. I am still a foodie in spirit.
What is your favourite dish?
That is a tough question. If I had to choose just one, probably Ramen.
Are you a good cook? Do you have a signature dish?
Yes, I consider myself a good cook, not a great one. I whip up a pretty mean Risotto, so I would consider that one of my dishes. I like ROASTING any meat too. I my scrambled eggs are the bomb.
What is your guilty food pleasure?
Two fold. Fried Chicken and Pot Noodles.
Do you enjoy eating out?
Of course.
What do you look for when choosing a restaurant to dine out at?
Quality of food is number one priority always. But a great atmosphere with great service should compliment it also. But let me be clear, if the food is spectacular I can overlook anything else.
Is there any international cuisine you are fond of?
Asian food in general. Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean. Love Asian food. Funnily enough, Chinese is my least favourite Asian food, or at least that greasy westernised rubbish they try to pass off as Chinese.
What, in your opinion, is the sexiest food?
Sushi. So much precision and expertise go into it. I just find that sexy.
What was the strangest food you have ever tried? and did you enjoy it?
When I was young, on a scouts camping trip in Australia I tried a witchetty grub. It was absolutely disgusting. Salted Crickets are pretty awesome with beer though…
Are there any foods that bring back special memories to you?
Probably on my honeymoon in Thailand and the introduction of proper Thai cuisine. It was a great honeymoon and a great food journey. Tom Yum, which will burn the hair off your top lip is outstanding.
What is the one type of food you could not live without?
Ooooh. Tough question. I would have to say Meat. Sorry Vegans.
Do you believe that ‘we are what we eat’?
If you try to eat only carrots for a month and see what happens, you will realise the answer to that question is YES.
If you could choose any person to have dinner with, who would it be?
Jürgen Klopp. I think it would be such an interesting meal with a true special character.
Do you have a life motto?
I did not until just recently to be honest. But now I believe in one sincerely. “NO MORE EXCUSES”
What is your final message to our readers?
Love your food and love your life. But most importantly love yourself. Take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Adopt good habits in your life and try your best to be happy. You have only got one life and you have no idea how long it is, so you might as well enjoy it.

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