
Q&A With Marieclaire Portelli

MarieClaire Portelli is a young but experienced fashion photographer, who has also become quite the social media influencer. Holding a degree in photography, MarieClaire brings out her bubbly personality in her classy and original photographs – which you can have the pleasure of viewing yourself on her Instagram page, Youtube page and her website.

MarieClaire Portelli

MarieClaire Portelli

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I am a 25 year old fashion photographer. I have studied photography and videography. I got my degree in photography in 2017. I would describe my style as being unpredictable and out of the box. I am a very outgoing person who takes pleasure in making my friends and family happy and well taken care of. I believe my personality, unconsciously affects my work. This is why I am very attached to my work, as it is a part of me and a part of my upbringing.

What inspired you to become a photographer?  
To be honest, there wasn’t a day when I suddenly said that I want to be a photographer. I guess it happened gradually. I was always a fan of photographs in magazines and never actually read any magazines. I only focused on the images. My parents figured I was passionate about photography so I was gifted a pink compact camera for Christmas when I was younger. I started taking photos of anything and everything. The photos weren’t that great but as a kid I found comfort taking photos. I didn’t know you could actually study photography and videography, till a friend of mine told me he was studying photography and videography and I was hooked. I spent 5 years studying till I got my degree in photography. Now it is my full time job and it is the best decision I have ever made.

You recently directed and edited Alexandra Alden’s video for Pilgrim, what is the inspiration behind the video?
Alex and I had discussed the lyrics and we decided to film it at BirdLife. We wanted to create this whimsical, dreamy image. We also wanted the music video to take the viewer on a trip and show them the beauty nature has to offer.

What advice would you give to aspiring photographers?
I would say, grab a camera and start shooting. However, don’t grab a camera and call yourself a photographer. It takes time. Stay grounded. Learn techniques. Find your inspiration. Research well know photographers. Explore your style and niche. Challenge yourself.  Don’t copy others. Be yourself. Create a portfolio. Get rid of that portfolio because you have created better content over the years. Be proud of your achievements. It takes a while to get there. When you do, and you really want this lifestyle, trust me, its the best feeling in the world doing it as your full time job.

Would you describe yourself as a foodie?
This is a tough question because I love food however I don’t eat often or regularly. Most days I just eat one meal a day but that one meal would consist of so many things.

What is your favourite dish?
I think I would say nothing beats a freshly made salad. And don’t get me wrong. I’m not talking about a small side salad. I mean a huge bowl filled with coloured peppers, greens, eggs, avocado, nuts, seeds, salad dressing which I also create myself using mayo, honey, vindaloo curry, ginger and tumeric. Try it, its really tasty.

Are you a good cook? Do you have a signature dish?
I love to bake treats. I do cook occasionally but most of the time you would see me in the kitchen making pancakes or choc chip cookies or a nicely layered cake.

What is your guilty food pleasure?
I think I would say pizza or pasta. I love carbs.

Do you enjoy eating out?
To be honest, I wasn’t someone who craved eating out until I met my current friends. They are big foodies and most of them love to try out new restaurants and others just have that favorite restaurant they keep taking me to. I miss this so much! Can’t wait to be able to enjoy restaurants again and enjoying the company of my friends.

What do you look for when choosing a restaurant to dine out at?
If I am the one picking the restaurant, I usually look for aesthetic and plating. I think this trait comes from the fact that I am a photographer after all and I do enjoy sitting at a restaurant who has nice decor and food that looks good from any angle. I also look up the restaurant on Instagram before going and this also plays a part in my decision whether I want to go there or not. Not going to lie, but an aesthetically pleasing feed and eye catching photos play a big part in my decision making.

Is there any international cuisine you are fond of?
I would probably go for an Italian cuisine. They make the best pizza (by best pizza I mean, very thin crust as pizza was intended to be). They also have the best pasta. Something about these dishes make my mouth water every time.

What, in your opinion, is the sexiest food?
I was never asked this question. Kind of a tough one to answer but maybe I would say spaghetti. How many times have you seen a photo of a woman at a restaurant eating spaghetti? There must be a reason women choose spaghetti over anything else.

What was the strangest food you have ever tried? and did you enjoy it?
I am not one to try any food. Especially meat. I don’t like meat even though its smells quite tasty. I do love snails however! Mum cooks them plain and then we add olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper and they taste heavenly. Best snails I ever had. Simple yet tasty.

Are there any foods that bring back special memories to you?
I would say snails. Mum doesn’t make them often  but it’s a dish my entire family enjoys apart for my dad. He is nowhere near the kitchen when mum makes us snails. Since we had them since we were little they always remind me of good times.

What is the one type of food you could not live without?
Veggies! Definitely wouldn’t live without a freshly made veggie salad.

Do you believe that ‘we are what we eat’?
100% agree with this. Even though I love veggies and don’t eat meat, I eat a lot of junk food and snacks. And even though I am thin, my stamina is so bad in result to my junk food indulges. It is important to be happy in your own skin and be able to eat what you desire. But you also need to be aware of your health and learn to change any dietary restrictions if it is a risk to your health.

If you could choose any person to have dinner with, who would it be?
I would pick either one of my friends or my boyfriend. They all appreciate good food, and can keep up an interesting conversation. Great company and mouth watering food is all you need for a good time.

Do you have a life motto?
Do what makes you happy!

What is your final message to our readers?
Follow your dreams, be true to yourself and stay grounded. Live your life to the full and smile, I heard it’s infectious.

MarieClaire Portelli directed and edited Alexandra Alden’s music video, Pilgrim

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