
Q&A With Jean Paul DeBono, Danny’s Kitchen

Jean Paul DeBono, Danny's Kitchen

Jean Paul DeBono, Danny’s Kitchen

Danny’s Kitchen have managed to make quite the name for themselves due to their delicious food and drinks. In this Q&A article, we had the opportunity to speak to Jean Paul DeBono; the man behind Danny’s Kitchen. JP DeBono is a hard working and talented owner and chef at Danny’s Kitchen. It is interesting to note that Danny’s kitchen was actually named after JP ( as he is often known )’s father, Danny in 2017. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has affected our local businesses. Read more to find out what Danny’s Kitchen is doing to cope. P.S. Danny’s Kitchen now delivers! #SupportLocal

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Jean Paul DeBono but a lot of people know me as JP, I’m a 30 year old business owner and chef, and I’ve been working in this industry for 15 years.

When did you decide to focus your life around food and who was your biggest influence?
From a very young age I was always hands on in the kitchen, be it just stirring the sauce pot that my grandmother would have cooking for lunch to baking a lemon meringue pie all alone and obviously yes, washing the dishes in exchange for some pocket money.

Where did the concept for Danny’s come from?
Whilst looking for a shop a couple of years ago the concept wasn’t developed yet. But shortly after we found the place, design and all started to fall into place and that’s when I created and envisioned what Danny’s would be today.

The Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis has hit businesses hard. How is Danny’s coping?
One day your running your own successful start up and the next your thinking of how to keep it afloat despite the situation we are currently in. It’s no news that The Coronavirus COVID-19 has had a huge impact in potentially every industry in the world.Hospitality in particular is taking a big slap across the face and business are being faced with some of the toughest times ever. At Danny’s we have had to adapt to the situation, now offering delivery and take outs only. We have change our operating hours to be able to provide adequate hour for our employee and potentially attract some more clients. Together with the help of loyal customers & our staff we will keep on working through the global crisis and prepare ourselves for brighter days.

What do you consider to be the sexiest food?
Something that looks like it was prepared and cooked with love.

What was the strangest food you have ever tried? and did you enjoy it?
I’m not one to experiment much with.

What is the one type of food you could not live without?
Anything natural grown by mother nature herself

What do you think about restaurant critics and food bloggers?
Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion and express it, so yeah. We need critics and bloggers to share their experiences and opinions, just be selective to which experience and opinion you take into consideration.

Do you believe that ‘we are what we eat’?
100% we fuel our body and mind solely by what we consume in every aspect.

If you could choose any person to have dinner with, who would it be?
My family, sometimes we tent to not appreciate what we have at the palm of our hands.

What is your food philosophy?
Keep if fresh, local and simple and hit the nail right on the head every time

What is your final message to our readers? 
Live life to the full, always make sure to be happy and don’t be afraid from change.

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