
Q&A With Cassandra Spiteri

The sweet and stylish Cassandra Spiteri reveals all in this interesting and fun Q&A. Cassandra has always been drawn to the arts and even studied Art and Design at MCAST. She currently works as a stylish and is not only talented but an extremely charming person to work with. This actress is well known for her leading role in popular Maltese teleseries l-Gharusa. She managed to gain the role after showing interest in taking part as an extra on the show – but was soon asked to audition for the leading role. This charming foodie gives us a glimpse to what life is like when you’re working in the arts and shares her secrets with how to get into creative roles such as acting or interior design.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I’m 29 years old and I’ve always had a passion for drama and art. I love travelling, food, fashion, and photography. I studied Art & Design at MCAST which furthered my creativity and style for my work.

Your first major role was in l-Gharusa where you had the leading role of Bettina. What inspired you to get into acting?
I started doing drama at an early age by taking part in plays in Primary and Secondary school. Then, I gained experience by taking part as an extra in certain local and foreign productions before ‘L-Gharusa’. But… I’ve been watching movies and series practically my whole life and it always came naturally that while watching the stories I observe the details of the interpretation of the characters. That’s when I realised that a person that can be able to portait different characters is just simply incredible! Since I’ve always wanted to do more than just being as an extra, in the meantime, I’ve been practicing certain accents and studying tactics and ways actors act while watching productions, as I never wanted to give up that easily.

You worked as an Interior Designer and now as stylist. Tell us a bit about that.
The best things about it are that it is constantly different because you’re always meeting different clients with different tastes, and it’s really satisfying when you see ‘life’ in the space that you just personalised for them that they always dreamed to have. Attention to detail is very important in this job! Antiques and vintage pieces are an Interior Stylist’s best friend, and we have an eye and appreciation of lots of different styles which obviously help us achieve what our clients want 🙂

Would you describe yourself as a foodie?

What is your favourite dish?

Are you a good cook? Do you have a signature dish?
A good cook yes… but still experimenting with a signature dish. Haven’t achieved what I wanted yet 🙁

What is your guilty food pleasure?
A gourmet burger with fries <3

Do you enjoy eating out?
Yes and No. Even though I’m a foodie I always make sure that I eat healthy and balance my meals with cheating a little. So it depends on the occasion.

Is there any international cuisine you are fond of?
It’s really difficult… I’m gonna go for Italian Cuisine.

What, in your opinion, is the sexiest food?
Oh god you’re making me drool while I’m typing! Normal Meal – Sticky Oven Barbecue Ribs / Desert – Chocolate & Peanut Butter Brownie Sundae with Nutella drizzle!

What was the strangest food you have ever tried? and did you enjoy it?
Raw red shrimps… Never again :p

Are there any foods that bring back special memories to you?
Well usually the special memories are when we travel as I always love trying the country’s cuisine 🙂 The locally one which I’ll always remember is throwing a whole pasta plate with tomato sauce on my mum 😀 …when I was still a toddler :p

What is the one type of food you could not live without?

Do you believe that ‘we are what we eat’?
Without a doubt!

If you could choose any person to have dinner with, who would it be?
Meryl Streep

Do you have a life motto?
Have courage and be kind 🙂

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to get into creative roles such as acting or interior design?
Anyone can be creative in life. But knowing yourself and your instincts are the most important things as they can guide you through a passionate and enjoyable journey for your career.

What is your final message to our readers?
Love the people around you. Take risks and learn from your mistakes. Everything happens for a reason. It’ll be worth it 🙂

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