
Q&A With Alexandra Alden

Q&A time! Alexandra Alden is undoubtably X Factor’s most outspoken judge. She is not afraid of speaking the truth and expressing the unpopular opinion.

Our favourite Alexandra Alden moment onscreen was her ecstatic reaction when Celine made it to the third live show. Away from X Factor and off our screens, she enjoys healthy breakfasts, meeting up with friends, her gorgeous cats and obviously her music.

After spending years studying Jazz music and vocals in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Alexandra Alden lives between the two countries (Netherlands and Malta) dedicating her time to her music, whether it is being an X Factor judge, singing or writing songs.

Today marks a special day since Alexandra will be releasing a brand-new video which was directed and edited by the talented Marie Claire Portelli.

Alexandra Alden

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Alexandra Alden and I am a just-turned 26 year old musician, songwriter and online music tutor.

What inspired you to start singing?
It was music itself that inspired me. Whenever my parents would put on some music I’d immediately take to the living room carpet and dance around for hours. Sometimes I’d sing along and improvise over the melodies line so that I’d create my own little songs. When I got to see my great uncle Marc Storace perform live in a small pub in Malta at the age of 10 or 11 that left a huge impression on me- that’s when I realised that a career in music could actually be possible as well.

What is your most memorable moment from X Factor?
When Celine made it through to the third live show in Season 2, I’d never felt more proud. She had the Maltese public in the palms of her hands and finally they had begun to understand what she was all about as a performer. I think my main struggle being a judge on the X factor is that many people didn’t bother to try and understand where I was coming from or what my own vision was as a judge. I always wanted to bring something different to the show….I most certainly did!

Would you describe yourself as a foodie?
I go through phases and it really depends on my routine at the time as well. Generally I enjoy food quite a bit but if I’m cooking for myself I tend to not make much of an effort. When I’m cooking for other people, though, a light of inspiration goes off in me and I want to make exciting, delicious dishes. If it wasn’t for other people, I might spend the rest of my life surviving on hummus and crackers probably. I generally like to eat as healthily as possible!

What is your favourite dish?
Porridge with Wild Honey & Thyme. Just kidding, but I think that would be a really combo! For me my favourite dish really depends on the season. In Winter I love a bowl of onion soup with crusty cheesy bread. Pancakes are a classic too- with mascarpone and chocolate. I’d have probably moved to the Netherlands sooner had I known its one of their national dishes. I love pies too. My grandmother used to bake great pies, whilst I’m still trying to perfect the ones I make. So far they haven’t come anywhere close!

Are you a good cook? Do you have a signature dish?
I’d say I’m decent- I’m constantly trying to refine the dishes I’m making for others. I’ve come to that age where I realise I will probably be attending and hosting more dinner parties than festivals and house parties so I probably should be able to cook a few edible meals. I think my typical go to dishes are a spicy coconut and veggie curry with sprinkled feta on top, beetroot and goat cheese risotto and most recently…very fancy fruity porridge for breakfast.

What is your guilty food pleasure?
I love a good pastizz tal-pizelli. It’s a ritual whenever I’m in Malta to go buy one from the local pastizzeria and eat it at home with a mug of tea which my dad would have made. Ah…bliss!

Do you enjoy eating out?
In Malta I think it’s a rather common thing to do and I definitely eat out much more in Malta than I would in the Netherlands. I do like going out to eat. It’s a real treat honestly. When you find somewhere with all the right ingredients- the ambience, the service and of course the food, but most importantly- the company. Then I think it could turn out to be a very inspiring, memorable evening.

What do you look for when choosing a restaurant to dine out at?
I look for quality in all aspects and the menu should not be overly priced. A picturesque setting also helps. I’m not super fussy but I do know what I like too.

Is there any international cuisine you are fond of?
I’ve recently discovered African food and I love the traditional peanut soup. Indian food is also so exotic and rich. I do like trying new things.

What, in your opinion, is the sexiest food?
I think the sexiest food is the food you have together with your loved one after a weekend lie-in.

What was the strangest food you have ever tried? and did you enjoy it?
Back when I wasn’t a vegetarian I tried alligator in Spain. It tasted just like chicken though, so I don’t think it’s all that weird. I thought mustard soup was pretty weird at first, but it’s actually really delicious.

Are there any foods that bring back special memories to you?
My grandmother’s pies…cheese and butter pasta, because it’s all I ate as a kid. I was very unadventurous back then. I guess a plate of timpana and busy bee cannoli make me think of all the christmases I’ve celebrated since I was young too too.

What is the one type of food you could not live without?
Oatmeal porridge is a staple in my diet. I don’t think I would function half as well if I didn’t have a bowl of that every now and again.

Do you believe that ‘we are what we eat’?
Absolutely. We shouldn’t define ourselves through how much food or the kinds of food we eat too much though. It can become an unhealthy obsession at some point. I’ve struggled with this myself since I was a preteen. We shouldn’t let food take over but we should definitely be mindful of what we put in our bodies because our bodies are our homes. We need to treat them with respect and love.

If you could choose any person to have dinner with, who would it be?
At the moment, I’d love to have dinner with any family member honestly.

Do you have a life motto?
Not really. But the phrases ‘In Vino Veritas’ and ‘Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum’ do tend to spring up every so often. The latter I scribbled on a piece of paper and have had stuck on my bedside table in Malta since the age of 16. It’s come in handy.

What is your final message to our readers?
My new video for my song ‘Pilgrim’ is up online and if you haven’t heard my album ‘Wild Honey’ then go check it out on Spotify. Vinyls are also on sale and you can contact me through Facebook or Instagram to purchase a copy! In the mean time, I’m working on my next album release which will hopefully be out in the autumn!

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