
Kombucha. What is it good for? An awesome lot actually!

Out of all of the superfoods of our times, Kombucha may be one of the healthiest. It is also the most likely to be misspelled!

by Charlene Cassar

We have to admit, we have tried our fare share of drinks, but we are new to the world of Kombucha. Obviously we’ve heard of it, heard of its benefits but yet, we only just recently have tried it. We did the research though, so you don’t have to. We also gave it a try, so we can tell you what we think of it.  If you’re not too sure what it is, let us give you a brief introduction. 

kombucha superfood good witch your kombucha

What is Kombucha?

It originated in China but was later introduced to Japan and Russia. This drink has existed for about 2000 years but only recently gained its popularity in the recent century. It is a fizzy drink which has a tangy, sweet but yet sour taste made from fermented tea. The main ingredients are yeast, sugar and black tea. Sometimes green tea is used instead of black tea. The combination is left to ferment for over a week. 

The fermentation process of Kombucha is similar to the fermentation process of many other foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi or yoghurt. Whilst the drink is fermenting, healthy bacteria, acid and low amounts of alcohol are formed. This healthy bacteria has probiotic properties obtained from the lactic-acid bacteria formed. Kombucha is also packed with B vitamins.

Kombucha yourkombucha ginger healthy drink

What is interesting is that a layer is formed on top is called SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast). This substance is made from a combination of healthy bacteria and acids and can be used to ferment other mixtures.

It’s no wonder that Kombucha has gained its popularity since the reported benefits are incredible. People have reported this drink to be responsible for many health benefits such as cancer prevention, diminishing the chances of hair loss and known to be a great source of maintaining levels of energy throughout the day.

kombucha superfood good witch your kombucha

What are the benefits?

Although there is no scientific proof that Kombucha is beneficial to the human body, many have reported several different benefits that help, in particular the digestive system. Apart from these, some studies on animals also prove that this drink has great benefits.

Weight loss

Kombucha is believed to aid in weight loss when brewed from green tea as it contains bio-active compounds such as polyphenols which promote weight loss. However, we should not shun Kombucha made from brewed from black tea, as it contains antioxidants which also promote weight loss.

Helps digestion

Due to the fermentation process which creates healthy bacteria with probiotic properties, Kombucha is believed to help digestion, in particular Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and helps keep the immune system healthy and strong.

Gets rid of toxins

The fermentation process creates a mixture which contains acetic acid. This kills unhealthy bacteria (those responsible for infections) and helps rid the body of toxins.

kombucha superfood good witch your kombucha

Energy booster

A little known fact is that Kombucha can also be used as an energy drink; a healthier version of those sugar-filled energy drinks we all know. The fermentation process of Kombucha with black tea produces iron. Kombucha also has traces of caffeine and B vitamins which help boost energy levels.

Lowers blood pressure

Several studies have shown that food with probiotics can help lower blood pressure. Since Kombucha is full of natural probiotics obtained from the fermentation process, it is believed to aid in lowering blood pressure.

Helps prevent heart disease

In studies on rats with Kombucha made from green tea, it was found that it can lower cholesterol and promote healthy heart functionality. It is believed to lower heart problems by a remarkable 31%. 

Kombucha yourkombucha ginger healthy drink

Helps prevent cancer

There have been several test-tube studies which have found that this drink actually helps prevent cancer through its formation of polyphenols and antioxidants, which reduce the possibility of growth of cancer cells.

Helps against Type 2 Diabetes

Studies were performed on diabetic rats and found that Kombucha helped reduce blood sugar levels due to aiding the digestion of carbohydrates. Another study on 300,000 people found that green tea actually reduces the chance of Type 2 diabetes by 18%.

It is very clear that Kombucha can be very beneficial to the human body and we would be very interested in learning more of the benefits when more studies are done. 

kombucha superfood good witch your kombucha

How does it taste? we hear you asking! Kombucha has a taste similar to that of apple cider vinegar but thankfully, less strong and acidic. Upon opening a bottle of kombucha you will notice a smell of fruits but also a slight vinegar smell, the by-product of the tea fermentation process.

Upon tasting, the little tingle on your tongue will come from the drink being effervescent, or to be precise – carbon dioxide released from yeast and beneficial bacteria that fed on sugar during the process.

Kombucha yourkombucha ginger healthy drink

Different brands try to give it a different twist by adding different flavours which are usually, but not always, sweet. The drink can taste fruity, spicy, herbaceous or even floral. It all depends on what additional ingredients the maker decides on. 

Preferably, you drink your kombucha chilled but be warned, it is not a smooth drink. The flavour is complex, with the hint of vinegar adding a bit of zing to kombucha. You can truly appreciate it if you understand and appreciate the health benefits but at the end of the day it really is a question of taste!


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