
Q&A With Claire Agius Ordway

Claire Agius Ordway

Claire Agius Ordway

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I am mother to three kids: Matthew 18years, Lyla 13 and Jack 11. I have been married to Robert for more than twenty years now. I work full time on my TV programmes and now my fitness blog is growing slowly too. I love working but I love my rest days too. I love to read, go for long walks and binge watch on a good series when I have time. I am always dreaming and thinking, my mind never really rests, as I am always thinking of new projects and new things that stimulate and excite me.

Your fitness journey has inspired a lot of people. What inspired you to get into fitness?
When I was young, I was very lazy. Suffered from massive inferiority complex. I used to watch sports on TV with my dad and I think over time he brainwashed me as he always told me that he admired people who were disciplined. I always wanted to be like them, but never had the confidence in myself. I used to try but stop. Then when I had my third child, I had to start taking my kids to their activities and I started using that time for myself. I started running and that got me the bug. That became consistent with me participating in races and marathons. At the age of 40 I wanted to change my body shape and gave the gym a go. From then on thankfully I started improving and getting stronger and that keeps you going automatically. It becomes an addiction; you would need your daily dose of endorphins once you get used to the lovely feeling.

How much would you say food is a part of your fitness regimen?
Food is 80 percent of what I do. I always workout but my body loses or gains weight according to what I eat. I eat a lot and big portions, but I very, very, rarely eat junk foods. I do not eat bread on a daily basis and I limit that to low Gi bread and I very rarely take pasta, which is not bad, but I prefer to consume my carbs from grains and vegetables.

Would you describe yourself as a foodie?
Not too much. Although I am all they time thinking of food and what I am eating next, I eat quite simple and if I am hungry, a very simple snack is enough for me. I am spoilt though as my husband prepares amazing dishes, he researches and surprises me frequently. In that case then I really enjoy the experience. I do enjoy a good meal and we love going out and experiencing different places. Not too frequently though.

What is your favourite dish?
My favourite dish has to be any kind of rich and colourful salad.  When I say salad – a real colourful salad including loads of vegetables, grains, nuts, fruit and more which is full of calories too.

Are you a good cook? Do you have a signature dish?
Yes, I am not too bad I think :). My signature dish has to be lasagne. According to my family, mine is the best in the world (hehehe)

What is your guilty food pleasure?
Yoghurts with all types of cereals every day, I do not skip a day not having a bit. Taking a bit is not bad, but I take pretty big portions – sometimes even more than once a day.

Do you enjoy eating out?
I love eating out and exploring new places, but I definitely prefer having lunch rather than dinner. I do not enjoy the bloated feeling after, so I prefer eating a good meal early and having a light snack in the evening. Though I do enjoy an occasional date night with husband and friends and when we do it, it is always good fun plus copious amounts of good wine.

Is there any international cuisine you are fond of?
I love Indian cuisine.

We’re loving Taste & Travel so far! Tell us a bit more about it.
Taste and Travel is a very exciting project. Our first series took us to Cyprus. Sean Gravina and I are producers although it is fair to say it was Sean’s idea. He takes care of the culinary side and I take care of the interviewing. I ate a lot though and it was fascinating to learn about Cypriot food. I learned a lot of tricks – a particular one is adding cinnamon to most of the dishes, which slowly, slowly, I am introducing in my dishes too. They never add salt to their cooking as they use the salt from their cheeses and halloumi which is included in most of their dishes. We travelled a lot and met a lot of interesting characters. We went also truffle hunting which was a cool experience.

What do you consider to be the sexiest food?
Dark chocolate:)

What was the strangest food you have ever tried? and did you enjoy it?
I am not that adventurous when it comes to food, but if Taste and Travel continues, I am more than sure that I will have to.

Are there any foods that bring back special memories to you?
My mummy’s ’soppa ta’ l-armla’.  As soon as I taste it, it takes me back to her kitchen with my parents and my siblings sitting around the table. I know this is bad, but she used to put in canned peas in it. I am aware that they are bad, but I love them and when she does it for me, that is my special request 🙂

What is the one type of food you could not live without?
Fruit and vegetables, I guess.

Do you believe that ‘we are what we eat’?
Yes definitely, I have seen changes in my body, my energy, my stamina and more. My skin has changed, I heal quicker and most of all I fight viruses better. I try to take food which do need a lot to digest and take a lot of energy from my body, I prefer to use that energy towards other things.

If you could choose any person to have dinner with, who would it be?
What a difficult question 🙂 there are loads and loads of people I admire and follow but at the moment I think it would have to be Kip Anderson producer of ‘What the health’. I’d have tons of questions to ask and investigate to understand more.

Do you have a life motto?
To be happy with yourself and concentrate on what you want rather than what others do. Follow people you admire and who motivate you to be better. Act on what you want and always set targets to achieve.  For me that is the key to serenity.

What is your final message to our readers?
Not to let anything or anyone stop you from doing something for yourself. If you have responsibilities that take a lot out of you, you still must find time for yourself. Love and respect yourself, take care of your body and mind. They are only given to you for a short time, so make good use of them.

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