
Karl Schembri

Student, footballer, singer. It’s hard not to remember Karl Schembri from X Factor Malta season 2. His unexpected voice, allows him to hit many high notes. He received a lot of praise from the X Factor judges and the audience alike. Unfortunately, his X Factor journey came to an end with his last performance of Pavarotti’s ‘Nessun Dorma’ and might be most remembered for his version of Amour Toujours by Gigi D’Agostino. Karl Schembri has faced a lot of challenges to get to where he got in the X Factor Malta competition and he has some great advice to anyone facing obstacles.

Karl Schembri

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Im a 20 year old university student, footballer and singer who loves to try new stuff and see where they can take me.

What inspired you to start singing?
I always loved to sing but it wasn’t until i was 12 when my mother started taking me to singing lessons.

Would you describe yourself as a foodie?
I am obsessed with food and always have my insta story filled with food stories day in day out.

What is your favourite dish?
Definetly a medium rare beef flank

Are you a good cook?
I actually love trying to cook and do pretty well

Do you have a signature dish?
Probably bruschetta with mozarella as a starter and meat main course

What is your guilty food pleasure?
Definitely Burgers

Do you enjoy eating out?
Yes, i actually eat out lot

What do you look for when choosing a restaurant to dine out at?
Good quality and service

Is there any international cuisine you are fond of?
I love oriental food

What was the strangest food you have ever tried? and did you enjoy it?
Probably horse meat and i loved it

Are there any foods that bring back special memories to you?
I love a banoffee pie since it has been my favourite desert since i was a kid

What is the one type of food you could not live without?

Do you believe that ‘we are what we eat’?
Yes, very much since our body reflects what we eat visually and from the way we feel

If you could choose any person to have dinner with, who would it be?
The Weekend or Adam Levine are my favorite two artists i would die to have dinner with

Do you have a life motto?
Just keep going no matter what

What is your final message to our readers?
Life is full of obstacles and the better you get, the more you get closer to the core of reaching your dreams,  that’s when the obstacles get harder and that’s why you never should stop fighting to reach your dreams.

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