
Q&A With Xandru Grech

Ever wondered about Xandru Grech? Read this very honest and in-depth Q&A where Xandru tells OMGFoodMalta all about himself.

A really, nice guy who embraces life’s challenges and presents a positive attitude to everyone he meets, Xandru is probably most known for his achievements in sport – but there is so much more to him. Xandru Grech has become a household name in Malta and is also known for presenting on several tv shows, presenting at events, taking part in local productions, motivational talks, business, being a brand ambassador and all his work in charity.

Xandru Grech

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Hi. So about myself….Quick summary.

*Sport:* Ex national athlete but still hold the national records of the 800m, 1500 m and the mile. Athlete of the year in 1995 and second in the Sports Personality 1995. Four medals in the Small nations Games and travelled all over the world representing Malta including 4 University games, 3 World Cross Country Championships, 4 Small nations Games and a World track and Field Championships. Nowadays I coach and act as Sports consultant. I also organise the Super League Triathlon.

*TV: * Took part in various programmes. Acted in 4 soap operas, presented a number of tv programmes. Appeared in several tv programmes

*Presenting:* Presented many events, international events, marathons and races.

*Films: * Took part in 2 local productions that were in the Cinema

*Motivational Talks:* I gave a number of motivational short talks to big Companies as part of their Team building events

*Business:* Own a gym and am Brand Ambassador at Iniala.

*Advertising:* Am brand ambassador for a couple of brands

*Charity.* Part of the Team for the Malta Social Impact awards and Inspirasia foundation.

About me. Generally, I’m a happy go lucky person. Most of the time you will find me smiling. Very sociable nature and have a gift to make everybody feel comfortable around me. I’m fun, adventurous, open minded, funny (love to make people laugh), non-judgmental and positive. Like to motivate people. I consider myself as a kind person to others as I really respect other human beings… but at times have a difficult character, I’m stubborn, controlling at times and have been told that I lose my temper if pushed to the limit. I also have some dark very low days. But not so often. Trying to be as honest as possible.

You are known as a fitness guru in Malta, how do you motivate athletes?
Well, thank you for that. Thoughts become beliefs and those beliefs become feelings. So, whether humans are dealing with Life, work, relationships, sport etc…it all stems from the way we are processing thoughts. We will feel sad or happy about a situation depending on what our inner voice is telling us. Happy or sad situations are thrown at us in our everyday life constantly, but how we tackle them is up to us. Of course, having said that, some situations are harder to face then others. Athletes pass through intense emotions. Injuries, missing qualifications, losing an important race etc. What I try to help them understand, is that they run for a much higher purpose then the little mishaps. They run because they are athletes and were born to run. The perfect race in the middle of a desert, with no medals, or audiences or qualifications etc remains the perfect race. Its the feeling within.. the sense of achievement. The sense of utter happiness and perfection.

There are many ways to motivate the athletes for different reasons and at different times… but what’s important is that they keep remembering that by training, athletes will constantly keep improving and will therefore become a better him or a better her on a daily basis. Both mentally and physically.

How much would you say food is a part of your fitness regimen?
If one is taking training seriously, or if one wants to simply look and feel better, food becomes essential. So, food is an extremely important part of my fitness regimen.

Would you describe yourself as a foodie?
Hmmm.. maybe not a fully-fledged foodie, but I definitely love to eat. I love to eat out, try new places, and when I travel, food is one of the highlights of my trip.

What is your favourite dish?
I love food. All types of food from all over the world. From Michelin stars to an amazing Hobz biz-zejt. I generally eat really healthy and am conscious of what I put into my stomach, but if I had to think of a favourite dish for the purpose of this Q and A…must go for an Italian plate of Pasta.

Are you a good cook? Do you have a signature dish?
I’m ok but cannot cook everything. However, I really enjoy cooking. Hmmm my signature must be a battle between my Bucatini All Amatriciana and my Pappardelle Al Ragu.

What is your guilty food pleasure?
Chinese or Asian Fusion, Pasta at night, Pizza, Pastizzi.

Do you enjoy eating out?
Yes I do enjoy it and must admit I do eat out a lot.

Is there any international cuisine you are fond of?
mmmm Chinese, Thai and all Asian food. Indian food. Italian. Greek. shall I go on. Guess you got the gist.

What do you consider to be the sexiest food?
Ha ha seafood ????

What was the strangest food you have ever tried? and did you enjoy it?
In Kenya I tried meat from animals one would not normally find in Europe. Was an experience and I did enjoy yes, but like to stick to what I know.

Are there any foods that bring back special memories to you?
Hmmm More than food restaurants. Well there are a few dishes that very, very, seldom, if cooked in a certain way, remind me of childhood and growing up. Food my grandmother or mother would cook. Nostalgia and memories. (Ghagin Grieg, Tuna Pie with raisons, a certain Ragu, Timpana.)

What is the one type of food you could not live without?
Well I eat Fish and salads a lot, but I could not live without Pasta in this world.

Do you believe that ‘we are what we eat’?
Very much so. We will look accordingly. Our weight, skin etc. Energy levels will depend on what we eat. Also, body smells.

If you could choose any person to have dinner with, who would it be?
Well I’m lucky as I’m always really happy to eat with Family. Loved ones. Very close friends. However, in my imaginary list Gandhi, Muhammed Ali, Mandela, Alliende, Mother Theresa and of course Jesus would definitely be on my list.

Do you have a life motto?
Hmmm.. The Serenity prayer of St Francis says it all: Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

What is your final message to our readers?
Reflect about who you are and what you want. About where you are heading. Life is beautiful. But has many sad moments.. it’s part of the package. And life flies by so quickly. So, don’t leave your dreams pending. Do them right now. Honestly nothing stopping you, but yourselves. Hang around people you love as much as you can. We are not here forever. Speak to people you dont speak to for some reason or another, if their energy makes you feel good.

Put pride aside.

Be kind to yourselves and if possible, to others. We need tolerance and respect for others. Don’t let anything get in the way of the inner child.. of the love for the world, for life. Eat food you enjoy…will make you feel amazing.

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