
Q&A With Tez

Tezara Saliba (Tez) is best known for co-hosting on XFM with Trudy Kerr on Fridays for the Big Drive Home. Her bubbly personality makes for great entertainment for the Friday radio show. The chemistry with her co-host is undeniable!

Tezara, though is more than that. We had the pleasure of finding out more about her in our latest Q&A. She is also a drama teacher and has taken on various acting roles. Tez has always had her heart in the arts and although originally started in dance, later moving to theater which she much prefers.

Most importantly though, she is a fun and easy-to-talk-to special guest, and is also a foodie!

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

So I’m Tez hehe I’m a Drama Teacher by profession and a singer and actress. I’m recently married, have 3 sisters and I’m an auntie of 10. I love the rain, good books, great movies and series, to travel, a great laugh and above all else, food.

What inspired you to get into performing arts?  

When I was at school I really struggled with most academic subjects; I felt like such a failure next to my friends. It was only when I took part in school concerts and prize days that I felt I excelled at something. I hung on yo that feeling and slowly slowly pushed myself to scrape through my O’levels and A’levels and finally studied Theatre at University level. Thankfully I managed to make a career out of something I love.

What is the greatest challenge you have faced in your career?

I think the fact that we are such a small island full of such talented performers; the ratio of productions to performers is anything but close so every time I land a role I feel so lucky.

You often join Trudy live on XFM for the Big Drive Home. What is your favourite part of working with Trudy?

Yep we host together every Friday 🙂 well hehe it’s a good laugh let me tell you. We’re just two two good friends in front of a mic hanging out.

Would you describe yourself as a foodie?

Erm YES!

What is your favourite dish?

Spaghetti carbonara

Are you a good cook? Do you have a signature dish?

I’m not too bad hahaha I like to experiment in the kitchen but really hate following recipes. I think I make very good tacos and pasta and fish hehe. I try and find healthy alternatives to fattening dishes.

What is your guilty food pleasure?

Maltese bread – nice and fresh with a ripe tomato, some good olive oil and fresh mint – bliss!

Do you enjoy eating out?

Yes – especially when I know I don’t have to do the dishes hahaha jokes aside, I love eating out!
Especially for dishes I don’t really cook at home like sushi and ribs and Thai – I don’t know how to grill meat very well so when I get the craving we normally head to a good restaurant.

What do you look for when choosing a restaurant to dine out at?

Good food mostly – I like a romantic or relaxing atmosphere too but I would honestly squat in a cold corner for good food hahaha

Is there any international cuisine you are fond of?

I love anything with noodles! Not a fan of curries though.

What, in your opinion, is the sexiest food?

Anything alcoholic hahaha I love the sound of a bottle of wine being opened or a can of beer or the sound the drink makes as its being poured into a glass.

What was the strangest food you have ever tried? and did you enjoy it?

I tried quite a few exotic fruit when traveling and liked them all – there’s very little I don’t like hahaha

Are there any foods that bring back special memories to you?

Lucky charms cereal, Dibdab and Nerds remind me of my childhood. Bitter lemon reminds me of my Nanna. Cinnamon reminds me of Christmas.

What is the one type of food you could not live without?

Carbs, sadly; I wish it were lettuce and tomatoes… my waistline would appreciate it.

Do you believe that ‘we are what we eat’?

Uxxe – Not at all. I think it’s just a cliche phrase. You are who you are and you eat whatever you want to eat. U daqsekk.

If you could choose any person to have dinner with,who would it be?

Just one?! Damn… that’s hard! I think Julie Andrews or Julia Roberts… or Maggie Smith… or Liza Minelli…

What advice do you have for aspiring performers?

I’m not going to paint a rose-y picture; I always call a spade and spade so here it goes. You are going to want to give up, you are going to question if you are actually talented, and you are going to cry over roles you can not understand why you didn’t get – it is a tough industry and you really need to be strong because not everyone out there wants the best for you. But despite all of this, being on stage is probably one of the only places you truly feel like yourself… so hold on to that – because that will propel you forward

Do you have a life motto?

To always be humble and kind

What is your final message to our readers?

Don’t let anyone ever make you feel small; don’t let them make you feel like you need to mould yourself into a version of yourself to please them; you don’t, you just need to walk away – you are not a tree, if it’s not working for you – MOVE! Surround yourself with people who bring out your best qualities – life’s too short.

Tez – Rescue me

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