
Q&A With Zaara Lina

Zaara Lina is a 7 year old girl who has stolen the hearts of many Maltese people. The young, half-Maltese, half-Moroccan girl lives in Brussels and has a cooking show with her mother featuring many Maltese dishes. With over 10,000 followers on Facebook, she is definitely worth checking out. Her recipes are easy to follow. If you want to get your children to start cooking different meals, including traditional Maltese dishes, give https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RERv9D2D4i8vpxxVjQsAg a look!

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I am Zaara Lina. I am a 7-year-old chef, half-Maltese, half-Moroccan and I live in Brussels.

You have many fans for your online video show on social media. How did you start?
My mum and I have always loved cooking together as well as watching cooking shows on TV. One day, while watching a cooking show, I expressed my wish to have my very own show on TV. Mum suggested that we film a recipe and post it online. Our friends and family loved it, and so Zaara Lina’s Cooking Club was born.

The show is a fun activity you do with your mother. What other fun activities do you like doing?
I love swimming, crafts and I also attend Crossfit Kids and gymnastics classes.

You often cook Maltese food. What do you like about Maltese food?
I like that it’s super yummy! My favourites are pastizzi, ftira and fried rabbit. I also love making fresh gbejniet with my great-grandma everytime I visit Malta.

What is your favourite part of doing the show?
Definitely the tasting part 🙂 🙂

What is your favourite dish you like to cook?
I love making scrambled eggs. I have made them so many times with Mummy that now I can prepare them on my own from start to finish.

Would you like to be a chef when you grow up?
Yes. I would like to have my own restaurant with Mummy.

What food do you wish you could eat every day?
Chocolate and ice-cream

What was the strangest food you have ever tried? and did you enjoy it?Dates. They looked very weird but I was surprised how yummy they were.

If you could choose any person to have dinner with, who would it be?
Jamie Oliver or Nadiya Hussain

If someone wanted to start cooking, which easy recipe would you suggest?
I suggest starting by helping your parents in the kitchen. Help them with the chopping, pealing, mixing etc. Cooking can be a lot of fun, but you have to always make sure that you are safe and supervised by an adult. Smoothies and scrambled eggs are my favourite and easiest recipes to make. Those and many other video recipes can be found on my facebook page.


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